8.12. Marjaana Peltola: AMIGO-Kv2.1 potassium channel complex: Identification...
Schizophrenia is a devastating psychiatric illness afflicting approximately 1% of the worlds population. Currently, the disease mechanism is poorly understood and the pharmacological interventions...
View Article8.4. Qiuzhen Chen: Comparative study in agricultural externalities from...
Abstract: In spite of references to agricultural externalities that usually focus more on the negative impacts of agricultural inputs on the environment, the inclusion of preferred benefit...
View Article18.3. Antti Hyvärinen: Suomen maatalouden rakennekehitys tilakohtaisen...
The aim of this study is about the development of the capital stock on Finnish farms. Therefore the subject is closely related to investment behaviour of farmers. Due to structural change the average...
View Article18.3. Norbertas Noreika: On the deterioration and restoration of mire...
Negative anthropogenic disturbances (e.g., drainage and urbanization) are causing biotic homogenization through the replacement of specialist species with generalists. The identification and...
View Article11.3. Esa-Jussi Viitala: The emergence and early development of forest...
One of the fundamental principles of natural resource economics is that nature may be treated as capital. Thus a decision-maker faces a trade-off between how much to consume of the natural capital now,...
View Article11.3. Heini Ahtiainen: Benefits of reduced eutrophication: evidence from...
Eutrophication is a major problem in both marine and freshwater areas in Europe, changing the structure and functioning of the ecosystem and reducing its ability to produce human well-being....
View Article22.4. Hanna Help-Rinta-Rahko: The interaction of auxin and cytokinin...
The interaction of auxin and cytokinin signalling regulates primary root procambial patterning, xylem cell fate and differentiation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plants contribute to the Earths atmosphere...
View Article1.4. Mari Hirvinen: Immunological boosting and personalization of oncolytic...
Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide creating a need for novel cancer treatments that are more efficient but also safer and more specific. Oncolytic viruses (OVs) have shown a solid safety...
View Article11.3. Jaakko Heikkinen: Carbon storage of Finnish agricultural mineral soils...
Carbon (C) that is stored in soils is the principal terrestrial C pool. The soil stores twice as much C compared to that which is stored in the atmosphere. Therefore, even a slight change in soil C...
View Article1.4. Milla Niemi: Animal-vehicle collisions - from knowledge to mitigation
Road networks and traffic cause worldwide environmental and ecological problems, and collisions with large animals are an increasing traffic safety issue. There is thus a continuous need to improve our...
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